2017-05-24 - Eli Tales


~8.8 miles @ ~13.0 min/mi

"Handsome Dan was chewing on a Y-shaped bone — but he dropped it to stare into the camera!" Cait describes a photo op with the Yale mascot, a bulldog. Sounds just like Winston Churchill's glare at the lens when Yousuf Karsh took away his cigar! The Dawn Patrol rambles south on a delightful-cool morning. We play leapfrog on the W&OD Trail with Caroline, a friendly lady in blue who passes us during our walk breaks on hills. "I'm only doing 3 miles," she says when asked. "You know," we reply, "a NORMAL person wouldn't say 'only' in that sentence!" A tiny front-yard bunny freezes to watch us go by.

"So what WILL you eat for dinner?" Kristin describes trying to get an answer from one of her children, engrossed in Minecraft; her other kid is a voracious omnivore. Caitlin reports on her sister's graduation ceremonies this weekend, and on the Harvard-Yale football rivalry.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2017-06-19